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Intro-Mind is a filmmaker and one of Spite Box's recurring cast members, providing the voice of Geff Rodrigo in Guard Duty. He is also the creator of Sandguardians, a series that shares much of the cast of Guard Duty

Characters Played


  • It is because of Intro-Mind and his series Sandguardians that Syp The Mighty discovered Ella Rhee and Xanthe Folan, the voices of Sarah Daws and Nicole Vega respectively, as well as Randy DeLuca's voice actor EthanChaotic.
    • Intro-Mind's performance as Dax in that series also led to Syp casting him as Geff Rodrigo.
  • Intro-Mind and Syp have known each other since 2011, which initially led to Intro-Mind's cameo in The Transfer.

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