Diego Jones

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Private Diego Jones was a soldier stationed on Outpost High Ground.


Jones was an immature and rude man who deserved what happened to him.


To be added...


  • He wears an ODST helmet in Major Malfunction II.
  • His first name is never stated in-series, with Major Malfunction co-creator Syp The Mighty coming up with it after the release of WarGames. During the production of the original run, its creators considered his first name to be Mitchell and later Stanley during Major Malfunction II. Syp would end up using the name Mitchell as the first name for Miller, a main character in Guard Duty proper.
  • His voice is inconsistent throughout Major Malfunction, as Syp would sometimes pitch her voice to make it deeper but other times would not. This would continue in WarGames, with Syp's voice direction in its finale being based on her portrayal of Dino Jones, who she considers to be the twin brother of Jones.


Appearances for Jones