Rico Suave

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Captain Rico Suave was a soldier stationed on Outpost Ice Box, voiced by Syp The Mighty. He was the head guard of his outpost.


Suave was a rude captain who fully misread the situation he was in and really thought he was supposed to eliminate his own soldiers.

Classic continuity

Events of Classic Season 2

While Dino Jones and Percy O'Hara were on patrol in Elsewhere, a confused Suave stopped and questioned them about why they were still around. After Emery Eden arrived and attacked Percy, Rico believed Emery was a Spartan and shot Dino in the head himself in an act of alliance. Despite this unrequested assistance, Emery shot Suave in the head twice, killing him.


  • He is named after the song "Rico Suave" by rapper Gerardo.
  • Due to a glitch within Halo, Suave has the built-in default emblem on his shoulder pad in Elsewhere.


Appearances for Suave