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Kazi was a Sangheili mercenary who was loyal to The Damned, a large organization of raiders who are determined to awaken Starbreaker, a Forerunner he believed to still be alive in captivity.


Kazi was a dedicated member of The Damned, helping Corvus in recruiting non-human species to their cause.

Role in Plot

Events of WarGames

First seen at the end of Deception and under the command of Corvus, Kazi took part in taking control of Outpost High Ground. When Spartan IV Louie Vargas showed up with five robot soldiers, Kazi incapacitated the red robot with the help of Fazeka and Riel. When the robots reactivate in AMBUSH, Kazi helped Corvus recruit the robots to join The Damned. While they agreed to join his cause, Kazi was eliminated by Emery Eden alongside Riel when he blew up their Wraith Tank with plasma grenades.


  • He was originally planned to be voiced by series creator Syp The Mighty, and speak English like Riel, but this was changed during production as Syp and Revoltge thought it was funnier for the Sangheili to speak in grunts and screams similar to their portrayal in Halo: Combat Evolved, the first Halo game. Revoltge took over the role for this, and will do so for future Sangheili characters in the future.
  • He is named after Kazi from the BIONICLE franchise.


Appearances for Kazi