The Shadowplayer Show is a sketch comedy series featuring many characters, such as the retired bounty hunter known as Shadowplayer. This series introduced the Protocol Robots and Louie Vargas, who would be given their own spinoff series in the form of the Guard Duty side series WarGames. Most episodes are stop-motion animated with customized builds from the BIONICLE toyline, though there are some episodes using the Halo video games via machinima.
WarGames characters
- Red The Hunter (4 episodes)
- Blue The Guy (4 episodes)
- Yellow The Rookie (4 episodes)
- Green The Chief (4 episodes)
WarGames episodes
Preview | Title | Released | Description | Characters |
Chief & MLG | February 25, 2012 | The Chief enters matchmaking and encounters a pro, or does he? I don't remember. | The Chief Alfa | |
NOM | April 30, 2013 | nom. | Red The Hunter Blue The Guy | |
CONVO | May 1, 2013 | The most interesting conversation ever. | Red The Hunter Blue The Guy | |
WORK | May 10, 2013 | Going to work can get confusing sometimes. | Red The Hunter Blue The Guy | |
SPARTANS | June 1, 2013 | Spartans never die. They're just, dead. | Yellow The Rookie Green The Chief Red The Hunter |
- This series spawned two spinoffs in the forms of WarGames and Misguided, with the former being part of the Guard Duty continuity and disconnected from this series.
- This series has crossed over with Sandguardians, as well as YouTuber CallanLoF's series Tahu Meets Hero Factory.
- Several characters who appear in this series originate from the BIONICLE toyline.
External Links
Guard Duty Episodes | |
Season 1 | Wish • HQ • Fax • Machine • Replacement • Dysfunction • Invader • Stashed • Overture • Retrograde |
Sides | Long Story, But... • Team Cosmo! • Listen Up! • Stay Tuned |
Classic |
Classic Season 1: Talking • Something • The Point • The Transfer • Infinity |
Related | At The Movies • Sandguardians • BattleDudes |