Team Cosmo!

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Team Cosmo! is the twelfth episode of Guard Duty Sides and the second to air during Season 1.


In this short, Ignacio holds an all hands meeting aboard the UNSC Cosmo.



Pit Fall Guards


  • This episode was written in anticipation for the hiatus between the first and second halves of Season 1.
  • This episode reunites Classic Season 1 cast members Winter and Firesinopa with Syp The Mighty as Eleanor and Felicity. Winter and Firesinopa were the original voices of Sarah and Nicole respectively.
  • This episode also reintroduces Percy, Alana, and Louie, the latter two appearing in WarGames while the former in Classic Season 2.
  • Damien wears the same armor set as Emery Eden.
  • Randy regains his Bean-117 backpack that he wore in WarGames and Classic Season 2, after not having it in HQ and Replacement.
  • This is the first episode of Guard Duty Sides to not feature any of the main characters nor mention them. Instead, this episode focuses on their HQ.
