Guard Duty: Season 2 is the second major installment in the Guard Duty series, airing from April 9, 2022 until July 31, 2023. It was written and directed by Syp The Mighty, with Revoltge joining her to co-write its upcoming season finale. While Syp provided the music for the first three episodes for this season as well as its intro/outro themes, Revoltge returned as the primary composer beginning with Elsewhere, its fourth episode, after having done so in the first season's Sides episodes. The movie edit for this season aired on August 11, 2023, eleven days after it concluded.
A expanded director's cut of this season is currently in production as part of Guard Duty: Anniversary with new scenes and footage, announced in Coming Soon.
Syp, Intro-Mind, and Revoltge are the only cast members from the first season to return for the second and beyond, though Intro-Mind takes over as Geff from Syp rather than his previous role.
Syp, however, did provide the voice of Geff in the first three episodes of the season before casting Intro-Mind. Syp additionally takes over as the voice of Miller from Chase Hobby.
This season introduces Ella Rhee and Xanthe Folan to the cast as Sarah and Nicole respectively, taking over from Winter and Firesinopa.