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Infinity is the fifth and final episode of Classic Season 1, as well as the fifth episode of Guard Duty overall.


For the full episode, click here

The guards are reassigned.


Black Out Guards




  • This episode introduces Nicole, Josh's sister. Her last minute introduction was added by series creator Syp The Mighty upon her desire to include more female characters in the series.
  • This episode also introduces the Pilot, whose role would be expanded in the following season.
    • Intro-Mind, whose voice is heard in the previous episode, was supposed to fulfill this role as the Other Pilot before Revoltge was cast. Instead, the role was split in two and the Other Pilot was killed by the Pilot instead.
  • This is the first episode in which Alana, referred to as the "Other Pilot" during production, is voiced by Syp. Her previous voice actor, Intro-Mind, would later go on to voice Geff, taking over from Syp The Mighty as opposed to the other way around, starting in Reactionary.
  • Most of the pilot's lines were improvised by his voice actor, Revoltge.
  • In the original airing of this episode, the Pilot's final line about not being a pilot was recorded by Syp rather than Revoltge. This was fixed in the movie edit of the first season, released ten years later, with Revoltge now performing the line.
  • Revoltge designed the pelican's interior where the Pilot resides in Halo 3's Forge mode on Foundry, one of its many maps.


  • At the start of the episode, Miller is holding his usual battle rifle, however when he's observing Outpost Rat's Nest he has his sniper rifle from Something instead. This is due to these scenes being filmed at separate times, and Syp forgetting Miller had his battle rifle. Miller retains his sniper rifle for the rest of the series.