WarGames is a Halo-based machinima comedy miniseries created by Syp The Mighty. A direct spinoff of Guard Duty, WarGames centers on HQ Commander Ignacio Dominguez bringing a group of protocol robots from a military training facility to be retrofitted for an actual military operation led by a Spartan under his command.
When produced, this miniseries was considered to occur during and after Classic Season 1. When the series continuity was reset with Season 1, it was retained as canonical to occur sometime during that season as well.
- Red (4 episodes)
- Yellow (4 episodes)
- Green (3 episodes)
- Blue (3 episodes)
- Ignacio Dominguez (3 episodes)
- Louie Vargas (2 episodes)
- Alana Reynolds (2 episodes)
- Randy DeLuca (1 episode)
- Brigadier (1 episode)
The Damned
High Ground Guards
- Jack O'Brien (2 episodes)
- Frank Collins (2 episodes)
- Diego Jones (2 episodes)
- Linda Kelen (2 episodes)
- Geff Rodrigo (1 episode)
- Mitchell Miller (1 episode)
- Emery Eden (1 episode)
- Prim (1 episode)
- Molotov (1 episode)
- Cocktail (1 episode)
# | Thumbnail | Episode Title | Release Date | Running Time | Description |
1. | BOSS | July 21, 2022 | 1:55 | Something finally happens. | |
2. | UPGRADE | September 10, 2022 | 2:39 | Red wakes up in a mysterious new place. | |
3. | DECEPTION | November 26, 2022 | 2:32 | Louie leads the color-coded robot soldiers to a seemingly abandoned outpost, not knowing what lies ahead. | |
4. | AMBUSH | April 24, 2023 | 7:18 | The color-coded soldiers are imprisoned by aliens! |
- WarGames reveals the fates of the central characters from Major Malfunction, an older Halo-based machinima series with a similar premise to Guard Duty that featured music from Revoltge and was co-created by Syp The Mighty.
- While considered a side series, WarGames provides much of the world-building that episodes created afterward would rely on, such as Classic Season 2 and Season 1. This series establishes:
- Outpost Pit Fall, while not referred to by name, is a training facility in which Spartans practice in simulated firefight exercises.
- The UNSC Cosmo, the UNSC-owned frigate that commands Outpost Black Out and other outposts as well as fleshing out its commander by extension.
- The Damned, an alliance of various non-human species attempting to awaken a Forerunner called "Starbreaker."
- Outpost High Ground, another outpost under the UNSC Cosmo's command. This outpost appeared in Major Malfunction, but is placed into the Guard Duty continuity here.
- The Brigadier, a Spartan and humanity's greatest champion investigating incidents involving Emery Eden without knowing who he is.
- Molotov and Cocktail, two assassins assisting in the Brigadier's investigation.
- Despite being produced as part of the Classic continuity, Syp and Revoltge still consider this series to be canonical to the new series continuity.
- Much of the footage from the latter two episodes of WarGames would later be reused to create the fourth episode of Major Malfunction.
External Links
Guard Duty Episodes | |
Season 1 | Wish • HQ • Fax • Machine • Replacement • Dysfunction • Invader • Stashed • Overture • Retrograde |
Sides | Long Story, But... • Team Cosmo! • Listen Up! • Stay Tuned |
Classic |
Classic Season 1: Talking • Something • The Point • The Transfer • Infinity |
Related | At The Movies • Sandguardians • BattleDudes |