Guard Duty is a machinimated science fiction comedy series created by Syp The Mighty and Revoltge, premiering on December 22, 2023. It centers on the dysfunctional low level soldiers stationed on Outpost Black Out in the distant future of 2560.
Major Characters
Black Out Guards
- Geff Rodrigo (5 episodes)
- Sarah Daws (5 episodes)
- Nicole Vega (5 episodes)
- Mitchell Miller (5 episodes)
- June Vega (4 episodes)
- Ignacio Dominguez (3 episodes)
- Randy DeLuca (2 episodes)
- Emery Eden (2 episodes
- Prim (2 episodes)
Main Series
Season 1
For more information, visit Season 1
Guard Duty: Season 1 is the first major installment in the Guard Duty series, airing since December 22, 2023.
Guard Duty
For more information, visit Guard Duty
Guard Duty: Season 2 is the upcoming second major installment in the Guard Duty series. It will air sometime after Rat's Nest in 2024.
A Guard Duty Story series
Rat's Nest
For more information, visit Rat's Nest
Rat's Nest is an upcoming prequel installment to the Guard Duty series, taking place before Season 1. It will air sometime after Season 1 in 2024.
- The entire cast from Classic Season 2 reprise their roles for this series, while Winter and Firesinopa from Classic Season 1 have been cast as Eleanor Winkler and Felicity Benes respectively.
- Unlike Classic, in which Syp The Mighty primarily wrote by herself, Revoltge has co-written every episode of this series and Rat's Nest.
- While obviously non-canonical to the Halo video games as a fan work, Syp imagines the events of Halo: Combat Evolved through Halo 4 did indeed occur prior to the events of Guard Duty.
- This series is primarily filmed within the Halo 3 engine, specifically through The Master Chief Collection edition.