Guard Duty
Guard Duty is a Halo-based machinima comedy series created by Syp The Mighty and Revoltge, with the series pilot premiering on November 21, 2011. It centers on Geff Rodrigo, a soldier who's unfulfilled with his job as a security guard and wants to partake in the more important missions, much to the annoyance of his fellow soldiers on Outpost Black Out. Movie edits of the series have been airing since 2022.
Central Characters
Character | Voice Actor | CS1 | CS2 | WG | GDS | S1 | RN |
Private Geff Rodrigo | Intro-Mind | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❔ |
Private First Class Sarah Daws | Ella Rhee | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❌ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❔ |
Corporal Nicole Vega | Xanthe Folan | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❌ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❔ |
Corporal June Vega | Syp The Mighty | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❌ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❔ |
Captain Mitchell Miller | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❔ | |
Emery Eden | Revoltge | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ |
Main Series
Season 1
For more information, visit Season 1
Guard Duty: Season 1 is the upcoming first major installment in the Guard Duty series. It will air during Winter 2023.
Season 2
For more information, visit Season 2
Guard Duty: Season 2 is the upcoming second major installment in the Guard Duty series. It will air sometime in 2024.
Rat's Nest
For more information, visit Guard Duty: Rat's Nest
Guard Duty: Rat's Nest is an upcoming prequel installment to the Guard Duty series, taking place before its first season. It was announced in Coming Soon, a Sides episode.
Side Series
For more information, visit Guard Duty Sides
Guard Duty Sides is a spin-off of Guard Duty that technically began airing November 21, 2011 with the original series pilot, but only adopted its name on October 23, 2022 upon the release of Why-Fi.
Classic Season 1
For more information, visit Classic Season 1
Guard Duty: Classic Season 1 is the first major installment in the Guard Duty series, airing from January 5, 2012 until June 23, 2012.
Classic Season 2
For more information, visit Classic Season 2
Guard Duty: Classic Season 2 is the second major installment in the Guard Duty series, airing since April 9 2022 until July 31, 2023.
Major Malfunction
For more information, visit Major Malfunction
Major Malfunction is a short-lived series retroactively made into a spin-off of Guard Duty that aired from July 30, 2012 until August 15, 2012.
For more information, visit WarGames
WarGames is a spin-off of Guard Duty and a standalone sequel to Major Malfunction that aired from April 30, 2013 until April 24, 2023.
- Season 1, sometime in the distant future...
- Sides: Coming Soon, occurs during this season.
- Sides: Memo Chat, occurs sometime after Sides: Coming Soon
Classic Timeline
- Truth¹, beginning flashback occurs three years before Talking
- Sides: Pilot, occurs a week after Truth¹
- Classic Season 1
- Talking, occurs three years after Sides: Pilot
- Sides: Coming Soon, occurs after Talking
- Something, occurs a week after Talking
- Sides: Question, occurs after Something
- Sides: Bagels, occurs after Question
- Sides: Annoyances, occurs after Sides: Bagels
- Sides: Why-Fi, occurs after Sides: Annoyances
- Sides: Tagged, occurs after Sides: Why-Fi
- Sides: Heated, occurs after Sides: Tagged
- The Point, occurs three weeks after Something
- Major Malfunction, occurs during The Point but before The Transfer
- WarGames: BOSS, occurs later in the same day as Major Malfunction but before The Transfer
- The Transfer, occurs immediately after The Point
- WarGames: UPGRADE, occurs one day after WarGames: BOSS and the same day as The Transfer
- WarGames: DECEPTION, occurs the same day as WarGames: Upgrade and The Transfer
- Infinity, occurs immediately after The Transfer
- Dare¹, beginning flashback occurs hours after Infinity and WarGames: DECEPTION
- WarGames: AMBUSH, occurs hours after Dare¹ but a week and a half before Clueless
- Sides: Bitter, occurs days after WarGames: AMBUSH
- Talking, occurs three years after Sides: Pilot
- Classic Season 2
- Clueless, occurs a week and a half after Infinity
- Trapped!, occurs days after Clueless
- Paranoia, occurs immediately after Trapped!
- Arrival, occurs immediately after Paranoia
- Reactionary, occurs immediately after Arrival
- Truth, occurs immediately after Reactionary
- Dare, occurs immediately after Truth
- Originally, series creator Syp The Mighty planned to change the setting and cast of characters per season to depict several outposts across the galaxy. This idea was scrapped during the production of Infinity.
- Guard Duty was almost rebooted at least four times, nearly coming to fruition twice. The first attempt only spawned Annoyances, while a second attempt led to Question and Bagels. These episodes would later be retroactively considered part of Guard Duty Sides with the original series pilot. Attempts to reboot the series after Bagels never made it past the writing stages and were never formally announced, though Syp does still have the scripts and may post them online at some point.
- While Syp does have ideas of what the characters' faces look like, she has yet to post any official designs. She has, however, posted her ideas of what minor villains Molotov and Cocktail look like.
See Also
- Guard Duty: Anniversary, the collective name for the reimagined versions of Classic Season 1 and director's cut of Classic Season 2
- Major Malfunction II, a non-canonical remake/reboot of Major Malfunction
External Links
Guard Duty Episodes | |
Season 1 | Wish • HQ • Fax • Machine • Replacement • Dysfunction • Invader • Stashed • Overture • Retrograde |
Sides | Long Story, But... • Team Cosmo! • Listen Up! • Stay Tuned |
Classic |
Classic Season 1: Talking • Something • The Point • The Transfer • Infinity |
Related | At The Movies • Sandguardians • BattleDudes |